Weymouth Punch & Judy  UPDATE November 2020

Following a successful crowdfunding campaign where more the £5000 was raised, we are pleased to announce that the show has been awarded a match funding pledge of £2000 from Dorset LEP, for which we are very grateful and send a big thank you.

I’d also like to thank Bagwell Farm touring park for the ongoing support. Prof’ Joe Burns (the Swanage Punch & Judy man) for help with organising the campaign.

To Rae for running this page.

Last but not least - all of YOU for your support.

Regarding the crowdfunding campaign, I’d like to add that I’ve always said the show for the people and has been saved by you - the people who watch and support it.

The big businesses and organisations have showed no support in helping the show survive, so thank you all so very much. It’s been heart warming to know so many of you care passionately about old Mr Punch.

All being well and depending on restrictions, I hope to open for Easter, May Bank Holiday, May half term and then the main school holidays.. There will be some changes, which I’ll post here as and when.

Those who pledged on the Crowdfunding campaign should have received the various bits but I still have to sort the video messages and painted signs.

I hope to perform another live show on Facebook over Christmas where we will also draw the raffle which was part of the campaign.

Lots going on and will get some more updates very soon.

Thanks again.
